Italy is a republic based on the in-laws, glossed with bitter wisdom Michele Serra, several years ago. Pointed his finger at the prevailing familism, inherited the chairs, departments and companies invaded by pets the head turn, but also reported about the beautiful country to build a family party, cordate economic, factories and fabbrichette, commending one another. It is not difficult to stay away from this bad habit, unless you possess a family of very talented. At that point, Rosie is the dilemma, it is better to make the right pass to honor and risking yet another Italiot lobbyists or elegantly silent virtues of his deserving friends and relatives? Trapped in this bittersweet situation, I resolved to publish the video of the single Matteo Negrin, as if it were my sister's husband or father of my niece. Why? Why I like the music, which reminds me of those instrumental in Aegean, Mediterranean-style house Enrico Pieranunzi, the Mirabassi and company is the video, a timelapse designed in sync with the song. The rest of the disc (Glocal sound) I have not heard (the family is always in the background ..) and I can not tell you how (we are private people) but if you want to borrow, there is online. So do not say that I do advertising.
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