Post lengthy public here that just because we talk about music, but in reality the kind of music that it is an area I know very little. And after all that I speak more of my own music.
For those who do not know, I'm delighted with some regularity in the race. I am an amateur, nothing special, but I like a commitment and is now quite a priority in my life.
On Sunday, again for the uninitiated, is the day typically devoted to "long", ie that output when you are running many miles a leisurely pace. Make the bottom.
And who is passionate for the race ends up doing it with almost any weather condition in the face of common sense and against all temptation of staying warm under the covers. Yes, because for those who take family then, it is customary to leave in the morning soon, when all the family still asleep, because the race is still just a hobby and it is better not subtract too much time to domestic life and serenity.
So: do you remember those you see running Off-center street in the early morning or evening, with fog or rain, those who make you exclaim things like "but who makes you do?" or "this is crazy"? Well, I am one of those.
We come to the point. For some reasons which I will discuss later, only recently I started to get me my Sunday outings with the MP3 player earphones in my ears. As I said on these occasions, the commitment is pretty bland, as extended, so the company a bit 'Music is ideal.
The only problem is that while one can not run smoothly on the fiddle player, so it's all well and good set from before the start a playlist that can go it alone without having to intervene every time to find the right piece. I
for personal attitude and hatred for the compilation, I opt for complete albums. I choose, set the track 1 and childbirth, listening to from beginning to end.
Saturday evening hesitated in choosing what to listen for the next day, when scrolling through the titles in my reader, I found Mozart's Requiem.
Now another digression: I do not know classical music a tube. Well, almost.
not listen to practically anything, if I do I get distracted in a hurry and my taste is very basic. But Mozart's Requiem is within my little knowledge and is one of the few things I appreciate, so in the end the choice fell on this.
Sunday morning, in my part it was a horrible day. Fog, drizzle, thermometer stuck between 3 and 4 degrees. I assure everyone that, despite the passion in these occasions the desire to go running is really quite low. To do this you must appeal to some training program, a goal that has some places or pangs of conscience that will torment us know that all day if we decide not to go out.
So I went. First Steps and the satisfaction of being released warms my heart immediately, then turn on the player.
Party 's Introitus .
Wonder. Incanto. Delight. Everything I see, the fog, the wet grass, the trees bare, the streets deserted, the steam of my breath, the battlements looking for food, everything is poetry. One effect is difficult to describe, but engaging in a deep, total. Mozart's music came into my body like no other had done until now, stuff to lose concentration and run over by some very rare cars.
The argument for-the-music-sport is a pretty common theme: any specialist magazine on race [1] has treated the subject with a few articles. Some have also rubrica fissa in cui vengono proposte delle playlists con brani adatti ai lunghi, al fondo medio, al fondo veloce… ognuno analizzato secondo i bpm che meglio si adattano al tipo di corsa che si sta facendo.
Va da se che Mozart difficilmente compare in queste liste.
Infatti, come dicevo, il fulcro delle playlists finalizzate alla corsa è il bpm ed il suo fine ultimo è quello di dare all'atleta la giusta carica[2] e magari anche la cadenza per il passo. Nella musica di Mozart il ritmo c'è, ci mancherebbe, ma non essendo cadenzato da sonori tunz, rimane meno efficace di Lady Gaga, per dire.
Per tornare al sottoscritto, il mio ascolto di musica durante la corsa è invece confinato tra due requisiti fondamentali: quel I listen to like and then not be too upbeat
The first requirement seems trivial, but it is less than it seems. I heard with my ears (and with a thrill of horror) people say that the music they hear in the headphones did not care about anything, it's important that I keep him company or to give him time.
The second requirement, although seemingly paradoxical, it follows from the first. I realize that too much of the music I listen to has a rhythm that has nothing to do with race. Too irregular or too slow or too complicated. The fact is that when I placed rhythmic music in my ears, this gave me more trouble than pleasure. A mental fatigue, which combined with the physical causes feeling really uncomfortable. The fact is that, unlike the guys mentioned in the first point, I feel like if I listen to music all right, maybe not with due attention, especially if I have the lungs burst, but listen.
I had come to abandon entirely the use of music in my output. Nothing wrong, I'm in good company. Then I decided to neglect the aspect oriented rather towards rhythmic sounds more bland, more of the accompanying words.
And then we come to Mozart: I repeat, my tastes in classical music are very basic, so I think I like things more appealing, but I think I can say with a calm that the Requiem is a wonderful work fruibilissima by non-experts. He
colors of each gradation steps so compelling to get the chills ( Introitus, Lacrimosa, Hostias , Agnus Dei, really I did not know if they were shivering with cold or emotion. Di But usually when I run I do not feel the cold), other so enthralling ( Kyrie, Dies Irae , Rex tremendae , Confutatis , Domine Jesu ) by introducing me to exaggerate the pace and run too strong compared expected.
Other moments are less compelling for me ( Tuba Mirum , Recordare , I do not want the ntenditori's), but since I was there to run, I did not mind every now and focus on physical activity and ignore a little 'music.
Then when the matter became very serious (the output provided for an "incline" to fear), I unplugged the player, when I have to concentrate to squeeze every ounce of energy not tolerate distractions, no matter how beautiful.
At the top of the hill waiting for me just a little 'down the road before returning home, the fog had thinned out, the effort was behind the shower and breakfast I waited a few minutes away. I powered on the player, the Lux Aeterna still got a certain charm. Although I arrived, and the desire to rientrare fosse tanta, ho lasciato che terminasse prima di spegnerlo.
[1]Solo in Italia di riviste dedicate al running serie e con un po' di storia alle spalle ce n'è almeno due . Uno si chiede "ma che ci sarà poi da scrivere una rivista tutti i mesi su un'attività elementare come la corsa?".
Infatti. Il problema di queste riviste è la ripetitività. Danno l'impressione di essere come le riviste sulla gravidanza che hanno un pubblico ben definito, ma per forza di cose poco fidelizzato, per cui finiscono con rimasticare gli stessi argomenti un sacco di volte. C'è comunque chi li compra tutti i mesi (anche perché sto un po' esagerando, andando a spaccare il capello in quattro di argomenti if they are always different) and also those who buy both magazines.
[2] I'm not stupid, just think that for example the famous New York Marathon, but also in other races, the use of earphones is prohibited, is considered doping.
If they catch you listen to the songs of the most abused energizing, that Eye of the tiger , disqualify you for life. You shoot well in an ankle. Tie.
Wonder. Incanto. Delight. Everything I see, the fog, the wet grass, the trees bare, the streets deserted, the steam of my breath, the battlements looking for food, everything is poetry. One effect is difficult to describe, but engaging in a deep, total. Mozart's music came into my body like no other had done until now, stuff to lose concentration and run over by some very rare cars.
The argument for-the-music-sport is a pretty common theme: any specialist magazine on race [1] has treated the subject with a few articles. Some have also rubrica fissa in cui vengono proposte delle playlists con brani adatti ai lunghi, al fondo medio, al fondo veloce… ognuno analizzato secondo i bpm che meglio si adattano al tipo di corsa che si sta facendo.
Va da se che Mozart difficilmente compare in queste liste.
Infatti, come dicevo, il fulcro delle playlists finalizzate alla corsa è il bpm ed il suo fine ultimo è quello di dare all'atleta la giusta carica[2] e magari anche la cadenza per il passo. Nella musica di Mozart il ritmo c'è, ci mancherebbe, ma non essendo cadenzato da sonori tunz, rimane meno efficace di Lady Gaga, per dire.
Per tornare al sottoscritto, il mio ascolto di musica durante la corsa è invece confinato tra due requisiti fondamentali: quel I listen to like and then not be too upbeat
The first requirement seems trivial, but it is less than it seems. I heard with my ears (and with a thrill of horror) people say that the music they hear in the headphones did not care about anything, it's important that I keep him company or to give him time.
The second requirement, although seemingly paradoxical, it follows from the first. I realize that too much of the music I listen to has a rhythm that has nothing to do with race. Too irregular or too slow or too complicated. The fact is that when I placed rhythmic music in my ears, this gave me more trouble than pleasure. A mental fatigue, which combined with the physical causes feeling really uncomfortable. The fact is that, unlike the guys mentioned in the first point, I feel like if I listen to music all right, maybe not with due attention, especially if I have the lungs burst, but listen.
I had come to abandon entirely the use of music in my output. Nothing wrong, I'm in good company. Then I decided to neglect the aspect oriented rather towards rhythmic sounds more bland, more of the accompanying words.
And then we come to Mozart: I repeat, my tastes in classical music are very basic, so I think I like things more appealing, but I think I can say with a calm that the Requiem is a wonderful work fruibilissima by non-experts. He
colors of each gradation steps so compelling to get the chills ( Introitus, Lacrimosa, Hostias , Agnus Dei, really I did not know if they were shivering with cold or emotion. Di But usually when I run I do not feel the cold), other so enthralling ( Kyrie, Dies Irae , Rex tremendae , Confutatis , Domine Jesu ) by introducing me to exaggerate the pace and run too strong compared expected.
Other moments are less compelling for me ( Tuba Mirum , Recordare , I do not want the ntenditori's), but since I was there to run, I did not mind every now and focus on physical activity and ignore a little 'music.
Then when the matter became very serious (the output provided for an "incline" to fear), I unplugged the player, when I have to concentrate to squeeze every ounce of energy not tolerate distractions, no matter how beautiful.
At the top of the hill waiting for me just a little 'down the road before returning home, the fog had thinned out, the effort was behind the shower and breakfast I waited a few minutes away. I powered on the player, the Lux Aeterna still got a certain charm. Although I arrived, and the desire to rientrare fosse tanta, ho lasciato che terminasse prima di spegnerlo.
[1]Solo in Italia di riviste dedicate al running serie e con un po' di storia alle spalle ce n'è almeno due . Uno si chiede "ma che ci sarà poi da scrivere una rivista tutti i mesi su un'attività elementare come la corsa?".
Infatti. Il problema di queste riviste è la ripetitività. Danno l'impressione di essere come le riviste sulla gravidanza che hanno un pubblico ben definito, ma per forza di cose poco fidelizzato, per cui finiscono con rimasticare gli stessi argomenti un sacco di volte. C'è comunque chi li compra tutti i mesi (anche perché sto un po' esagerando, andando a spaccare il capello in quattro di argomenti if they are always different) and also those who buy both magazines.
[2] I'm not stupid, just think that for example the famous New York Marathon, but also in other races, the use of earphones is prohibited, is considered doping.
If they catch you listen to the songs of the most abused energizing, that Eye of the tiger , disqualify you for life. You shoot well in an ankle. Tie.
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