Monday, February 28, 2011

Chlordiazep With Alcohol

The LT's reviews -" The essential teachings, the Dalai The LT

Dalai Lama, "The essential teachings, Pearl Editions, Milan 1994

In this book, by 'editing really' summary presents two important contributions of the fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso .

The first, "The Path of the Bodhisattva " is an instruction given to Bodh Gaya in 1974 during initiation un'oceanica of Kalachakra. The Dalai Lama thirty-seven takes its cue from practices of the Bodhisattva , as is shown in a Tibetan text of XIII-XIV century.
Its commentary is an enlightened synthesis of the Mahayana perspective liberation.

The second part of the book is titled "The Key of Madhyamika " and exposes the way of Nagarjuna, the founder of the school just Madhyamika Buddhism, the one who first worked for the doctrine of Sunyata ( the Void).
For the truth is not an original. In fact, this text, entitled " The key to the middle way, " had already been published by the Ubaldini 1976, in a volume that included" The Buddhism of Tibet .

The overall title of the volume we are presenting, "The teachings essential ", is certainly relevant, since, as pointed out in the clear Corrado Think preface" ... the accent falls and falls, according to that wise insistence typical of the great spirituality, on the central themes of the inner journey, of course, in their formulation Mahayana-Vajrayana Buddhist : renunciation, compassion, emptiness "(p. 7).

Louis Turinese

In photos: ' old woman in the woods "

Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Notebooks for the practice of Buddhism and dialogue ", Year XV, No. 58, April-June 1996

How To Make Someone Life Miserable?

Lama's reviews - "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu, "The Art of War " Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1990

During the period of the Warring States ( V-III century BC.) , a semi-legendary warrior-philosopher, Sun Tzu , drew up a treaty for the war strategy fortunate to have over the centuries to come.

The first thing that comes to mind before this work so special is that it should be read by contemporary heads of state. " Defeating the enemy without fighting is the highest skill " Taoist strong connotation of these words of Sun Tzu we see in those who, in these dark times again, fail to resolve conflicts between peoples without fall in the agonies of war. In the treatise

Sun Tzu, on the contrary, the intent strikes "estimate", as though the warrior look more like a doctor than an imposition of death. But what leads us to profound reflection and the ability, Taoist - but also a Buddhist - to grasp with a single glance, the two terms of a contradictory phenomenon: cruelty and humanitarian action and peace.

Louis Turinese

In photos: 'Bold "

Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Buddhism Papers ", Year X No 38, April-June 1991

How To Defrud A Atm Mechine

The LT's reviews - "Empty Cloud", Xu-Yun

-Yun Xu, "Empty Cloud" Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1990

Charles Luk, who with Richard Hunn edited questo appassionante diario autobiografico, ha contribuito largamente a diffondere il buddhismo cinese in Occidente. Nato a Canton sul finire del secolo scorso , fu discepolo del grande maestro Chan Xu-Yun .

Figura quasi leggendaria, anche per la lunghissima esistenza (nato nel 1840 , morì nel 1939 : centouno anni di Dharma !), Xu-Yun fu protagonista , tra l'altro, del movimento buddhista a favore dell'autosufficienza dei monasteri. Ciò non gli risparmiò la diffidenza delle autorità, che tentarono persino di eliminarlo fisicamente quando era già ultracentenario . Sopravvissuto the brutal beating, " ... Xu-Yun has embodied a mythical figure of the Buddhist folklore, the" peacock eats poison ": the bitterness of the food is transformed into spiritual nourishment " (from the Introduction, Page . 15).

Beyond the undeniable evidence hagiographic, this autobiography is presented as an interesting insight into the contemporary conflict between materialism and spirituality, which can find its solution from the Buddhist deployment flexibility. The same -Yun Xu, who trained at the school Chan, avoiding any stiffness, the teaching of Pure Land Buddhism and devoting himself to increasing the scriptures, sutras and shastra : in any context, therefore, devising the "skillful means" to communicate the Dharma .

Louis Turinese

In photos: 'Number in "

Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Buddhism Papers ", Year X No 38, April-June 1991

Wierd Baby Poop Like Rabbit Poop

The LT's reviews - "Woman awakened" by C. Feldman

Christina Feldman, "Women awakened!" Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1990

" ... The women bring with them a story in which they have learned to listen entries from the outside rather than internal ones. As a child, we accept the taxes of others who told us how "we had to" be and what it meant to be "brave" and "good." We respond to these requests in order to ensure, in life, a certain level of affirmation, approval and security, and so the model is consolidated ... Following the path of contemplation and meditation we can undo the knots of the influences that lead us to prostrate themselves before authority (from the Introduction, pp. 9-10).

In these words is contained the justification of the way courage that the author has undertaken and is following, and laid the foundation with Christopher Titmuss of Gaia House Meditation Centre, in Great Britain probably constitutes a milestone.

For a woman who intends to take an original path of liberation the way is certainly more difficult. This should go beyond the myths raised by the fables, in which women are waiting for salvation from the outside, projecting outside the fears and hopes, samsaric pursuit for excellence, it is proposed systematically to women, until they the introjected.
Spiritual awakening, in short, for women necessarily proceed hand in hand with a path of emancipation.

However, since there can be no liberation without women il coinvolgimento delle categorie culturali maschili, questo è un libro da consigliare assolutamente a tutti i meditanti, a prescindere dal sesso.
Per le donne Feldman propone meditazioni specifiche: sulla solitudine, sull'esplorazione del mito personale, sull'unità, su come sciogliere i nodi, sul potenziamento interiore.

Luigi Turinese

In foto: " Conturbante purezza "

Recensione apparsa nella rubrica "Libri" di " PARAMITA , Quaderni di Buddhismo ", Anno X, n. 38, Aprile-Giugno 1991

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cocktail Dresses Vintage Inspired

The LT's reviews - "The gradual method to achieve enlightenment," Geshe Namgyal Wangchen

Geshe Namgyal Wangchen, " The gradual method to attain enlightenment " Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1990

The gradual path to enlightenment (Lam rim in the Tibetan tradition) is an essential practice of Mahayana . It is the development of bodhicitta , the mind of enlightenment, which pushes the bodhisattva to seek the good of all sentient beings.

In this approach, characterized by a ritual in the Tibetan version sometimes a bit 'pedantic, is the central figure of the master, from which it receives transmission teaching. Equally central is the study the texts of the masters of meditation, such is given a prominent position to the Indian Atisha ( XI century) and the Tibetan Lama Tsongkhapa ( XIV century).

" lamp street lighting " of Atisha . is considered still in Tibet the foundation of the practice of Mahayana .

Geshe Mangyal Wangchen , with the usual analytical cut in the Tibetan tradition, lists the basic requirements for the practice of meditation, meditations and then spread on the different levels of development within. Closes the book on perhaps the most interesting chapter, dedicated to the six perfections or paramita : generosity, morality, patience, perseverance, focused mind, wisdom.

Louis Turinese

In photos: 'Elegance "

Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Buddhism Papers ", Year X No 38, April-June 1991

Constitution Sample Of A Church

The LT's reviews - "Mahayana Buddhism", by P. Williams

Paul Williams, "Mahayana Buddhism " Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1999

Paul Williams, secretary of the European Association International Buddhist Studies, is a fruitful synthesis between academic erudition and Buddhist practice.
His book is a weighty and thorough academic study on the two central aspects of Mahayana Buddhism : prajna (wisdom) and karuna (compassion).
Considerable interest is the historical reconstruction of the unfolding of the different traditions from the central teachings of Sakyamuni . We read of the controversy and ridicule against the former monks of Mahayana inspiration, culminating in the statement, especially in the Far East, traditions centered on the ideal of the bodhisattva .

Detail attention is paid to Lotus Sutra and the Sutra of Prajnaparamita , cardinals Mahayana scriptures . The harvest of notes and references makes this book a landmark of historical studies on Buddhism, constituting both a challenging read for the neophyte that he expected a simple introduction to the topic.

Louis Turinese

In photos: 'The three ages of life "

Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Buddhism Papers ", Year X No 38, April-June 1991

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Brazilian Wax Diagram

The LT's reviews - "Alexandra David-Neel, R. Middleton

Ruth Middleton, "Alexandra David-Neel " Astrolabe Editore, Rome 1990

The long life of Alexandra David-Neel ( 1868-1969) goes hand in hand with the development Western interest in Buddhism. This biography draws the story of a woman who was always out of place, of the original soul forever in search of the 'beyond'. L
mgratorio Instinct appears to have been the main feature of his personality, since, in his early twenties he traveled to India on the basis of an early interest in comparative religion. Following a phase in which the young French earns a living and gives space to his troubled mind doing the opera singer and a relationship with a young composer. The social pressures have, however, briefly, over, and Alexandra ends up marrying Philippe David-Neel .

It 's the 1924. After only seven years , however, the conflict concerning the status of women pushes her out of bourgeois marriage and again at the start for the East. This time Europe will last no more than ten years .

ten years when, in search of their identification, Alexandra pass through the adventures incredibili, che la condurranno, francese, donna, a divenire il primo Lama occidentale. L'uso dell'innata teatralità la aiuterà sempre nelle situazioni difficili. E' in questo periodo, culminante nel trionfale e avventuroso ingresso a Lhasa , che compare nella sua vita un giovane tibetano, Yongden, il quale diventerà segretario, compagno di ricerca, servitore, figlio, e con cui scriverà anche un libro, " Mipam, il Lama dalle cinque saggezze ".

A cinquantasei anni , travestita da tibetano, Alexandra fa dunque il suo ingresso a Lhasa , area proibita a qualunque straniero. E' il culmine di un viaggio, interiore almeno quanto geografico. " La nostra vera casa è un paese che non sta da nessuna parte ".

Luigi Turinese

In foto: " Reticolato verde "

Recensione apparsa nella rubrica "Libri" di " PARAMITA , Quaderni di Buddhismo ", Anno X, n. 38, Aprile-Giugno 1991

‘live View / - Axis 206m,'

The LT's reviews - "Tibet. The ritual dances of the Blade", by P. Verni, V. Sevegnani

Piero Verni, Vicky Sevegnani, " Tibet. Le danze rituali dei Lama ", Nardii Press, Firenze 1990

In qualche modo "garantita" da una presentazione the Dalai Lama, this elegant publication brings together yet another, a valuable report by Piero Verni the Land of Snow .

This time, partly because of the subject in a spectacular way that is treated, the work of writing is very suitably accompanied by beautiful photographs by Vicky Sevegnani . After an introduction to Tibetan culture and religion, interrelated to such an extent that they can ask whether this distinction is legitimate, you go to the specific topic of the book, the sacred dance or cham.
The description of costumes, masks, musical instruments and "scene" is made even more attractive by polychromatic images. The cham usually takes place in the courtyards of gompa, in front of people and therefore as public ceremony. The depth symbolic level, then, although difficult to decode literal supports this process, because it alludes to the archetypal experiences that have a value in a sense metaculturale.

We are faced, in short, a text that approaches the Tibet and that, in the words of the Dalai Lama himself , ... consetirà react better to a thrilling aspect of the beautiful, but unfortunately severely threatened Tibetan culture. "

Luigi Turinese

In foto: " Piede di gigante "

Recensione apparsa nella rubrica "Libri" di " PARAMITA , Quaderni di Buddhismo ", Anno X, n. 38, Aprile-Giugno 1991

What Is A 2010 Harley Davidson Truck Worth Today

The LT's reviews - "Tibet, a land, culture and other essays

Istituto Internazionale di Studi Tibetani, " Tibet, una terra , una cultura " Shang-Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso, 1990

Fosco Maraini, " Prima della tempesta ", Shang-Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso, 1990

Namkhai Norbu, " Journey into the culture of Tibetan nomads , "Shang-Shung Edizioni, Arcidosso, 1990

Shung-Shan Institute continues to churn out valuable documents of Tibetan culture. The three books here have very different characteristics between them. The text on Tibet is an excellent teaching file for the layman, so to speak, figurerebbe well in high school, if you only wanted to broaden the cultural horizons of students to the people "who have made history" (ie non- made the war).

The photographic collection of Fosco Maraini has a charm all its own. As well as being made up of black and white images crisp and well executed, is a true testimony of two guided expeditions in Tibet by Giuseppe Tucci in 1937 and 1948, the last image, out numbered, Tucci portrays sipping tea Tibetan the morning of July 2, 1937 , and is a moving tribute to the great Italian orientalist. The text of

Norbu Finally, as usual, and obviously a first-hand description of an aspect of Tibetan culture. This time it's reconstruction, through the study of nomadic peoples of Tibet Eastern cultural and historical background of the epic Kesar of Ling .

Louis Turinese

In pictures: "Lanterns "

Review appeared in the "Books" to " PARAM, Buddhism Papers", Year X No 38, April-June 1991

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Much Restoril Is Needed To Ki

famous words - In a perfect world ... Captain Beefheart

"Il mondo non è perfetto. In un mondo perfetto Mark Chapman avrebbe ucciso Yoko Ono" - Daniele Lttazzi, (la battuta è registrata come di Luttazzi, ma essendo Luttazzi, non si sa mai...)

Friday, February 4, 2011

What To Write Inside Of A Wedding Card

È chiaramente un segno dell'inesorabile scorrere del tempo, e tanto varrebbe farci l’abitudine, perché ci sono ben pochi rimedi a riguardo. Però è una cosa che ogni volta che ci penso mi mette addosso un po’ di tristezza.
Man mano che il tempo passa sono sempre più frequenti le scomparse di persone che in varie misure hanno contato qualcosa nella mia vita. E questo blog ne è una prova, anche solo nell’ambito musicale. Li ho contati un po’ alla veloce, ma in poco più di un anno sono 8 i post ad memoriam, uno stillicidio.
E ora è toccato a sua maestà Don Van Vliet, also known as Captain Beefheart.
In realtà è morto un mese e mezzo fa (il 17 dicembre scorso), ma essendo un pelino meno celebre di Michael Jackson, la notizia ha avuto un po’ meno risonanza, e io me l’ero persa.
L’ho scoperto ieri, ed è stata un’altra botta di tristezza.
Lo conoscevo non da moltissimo tempo, da quando ho scoperto che gente come John Peel, Lester Bangs o il nostro Piero Scaruffi lo consideravano autore del più grande disco rock di tutti i time: Trout Mask Replica.
was a time when I was trying to retrieve knowledge about the music pre-1980 to bridge gaps which I later discovered to be true chasms, so find out which one I had not even heard the name was bestowed the author of Absolute Masterpiece , who could not throw me to the purchase and immediate spasm of that album.
then I have done as everyone: I turned on the CD player and I wondered what the fuck was going on. Music out of phase, uncoordinated, out of time, each for its cabbages, that magnetic voice but absurd. And this would be-masterpiece?
I realized only later to have tried a jump too long. I was past time to make comparisons, by Calvin Joyce, from Spielberg to Buñuel, from Caravaggio to Pollock. I planted a nasata, nothing to be surprised. However, the character Captain Beefheart
I looked for information, critical analysis, I listened to his other discs, I tried to understand coming to realize that there is to understand. As often happens in art.
And in the end I got attached. How can you attach to a gruff and grumpy guy but is capable of looking and seeing things that you do not know even imagine.
And then did what every artist worthy of the name should do instead of disgraced: he retired.
Or rather, he tried again for more than 10 years to become a musician, who came to affect album either cut off or acclaimed (but with the weight of precedent there, I would like to see anyone stand up to the comparison), but who invariably turn out to be a commercial disaster.
and then devoted himself to painting. It had happened, really.
That is, take a star boiled at random, a Sting, David Gilmour and leave a devote himself to painting. What are the chances to be kicked in the ass by unanimous criticism? Very high in my opinion.
Well, he called back to Don Van Vliet, no. He has been successful. He has exhibited at MoMA. His paintings cost a bang when he was alive, imagine now.
And I do not know why, but this success made me more sympathetic. A true artist, of those that if you give them all an expressive instrument, with what we do Art with a capital letter.
His music was now frozen in the past, would not have made more than new. But I am afraid the same really is gone. Add another bit of sadness the passing of time.
Hello Captain.

Below is pictured with his friend-foe Frank Zappa.
Lords of Hollywood: if you ever decide to make a film about the Captain, and would be precisely the case, Benicio Del Toro is perfect for the part.
Then do not say that I told you so.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Gpsphone Problem Using Cheats


After the 18 million spent on a modest Matri, Juve wrong wrong wrong wrong, this is not Juve. What I know is that that need to be proud of, this proxy will only great sorrow and great defeats and draws many, this step also the fifth place it becomes very difficult for us! takes samples of Matri. 18 million + 8 take suarez! By JUVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anna Calvi - s / t

I think it's a matter of redundancy and a little ' Prior to distrust, but I in the latest music, I find it hard to feel the pulse of the heart. Mind you, by no means one of those "ah, after 1979 in music has produced only shit, rock is dead and gone since then," indeed, I love this as much as possible and try to keep me a bit 'updated .
But when I listen to a recent disc, the first few times, it is very rare that it recognizes a soul shining, a sign that those notes and the sounds were produced with the heart and not just with the head (something for itself far from contemptible, at least in comparison to the third alternative: the wallet). I
that 50 years of rock have been explored so many directions by those who put music in front of an imperative dilemma: either to build on the creations of others, and thus become derivative, plagiarized, etc. have already heard, or browse for more new roads with the risk author to look for originality's sake.
way too many times recently I find myself listening to a disc to oscillate between these two poles, unable to get interested (in the etymological sense of the word) actually storing it and then after the play had to go back on promises to play a more settled.
But sometimes not. The album immediately struck me, is loved now, without hesitation. And
this is the case of this self-titled debut of English Anna Calvi.
10 tracks of music bleeding, but with the heart.
will be playing guitar in excellent way, leaving him the patina that only the bad and dirty guitar licks naked and without too many effects you can pull off.
will be his way of singing, deep and warm, is just as compelling and evokes only prominent references (PJ Harvey and Siouxsie all).
will the songs are not afraid to spill over into the labyrinth of dark fertile but a mournful rock (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds the beginning, Scott Walker, ...)
will, therefore, that the girl's risk of being accused of derivativismo (It is said to be so derivative?) Fuck it beautifully, and already felt like using the bank to lean first to spring on her own.
It will be, will be ... but this album is beautiful and if they hear about a bit 'too loud, as for those products too often ephemeral that so reek of hype, for once scrollatevi off that air of mistrust, and give him a better chance.
To me this is one of those albums that last.