Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Make Someone Life Miserable?

Lama's reviews - "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu, "The Art of War " Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1990

During the period of the Warring States ( V-III century BC.) , a semi-legendary warrior-philosopher, Sun Tzu , drew up a treaty for the war strategy fortunate to have over the centuries to come.

The first thing that comes to mind before this work so special is that it should be read by contemporary heads of state. " Defeating the enemy without fighting is the highest skill " Taoist strong connotation of these words of Sun Tzu we see in those who, in these dark times again, fail to resolve conflicts between peoples without fall in the agonies of war. In the treatise

Sun Tzu, on the contrary, the intent strikes "estimate", as though the warrior look more like a doctor than an imposition of death. But what leads us to profound reflection and the ability, Taoist - but also a Buddhist - to grasp with a single glance, the two terms of a contradictory phenomenon: cruelty and humanitarian action and peace.

Louis Turinese

In photos: 'Bold "

Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Buddhism Papers ", Year X No 38, April-June 1991


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