Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cocktail Dresses Vintage Inspired

The LT's reviews - "The gradual method to achieve enlightenment," Geshe Namgyal Wangchen

Geshe Namgyal Wangchen, " The gradual method to attain enlightenment " Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1990

The gradual path to enlightenment (Lam rim in the Tibetan tradition) is an essential practice of Mahayana . It is the development of bodhicitta , the mind of enlightenment, which pushes the bodhisattva to seek the good of all sentient beings.

In this approach, characterized by a ritual in the Tibetan version sometimes a bit 'pedantic, is the central figure of the master, from which it receives transmission teaching. Equally central is the study the texts of the masters of meditation, such is given a prominent position to the Indian Atisha ( XI century) and the Tibetan Lama Tsongkhapa ( XIV century).

" lamp street lighting " of Atisha . is considered still in Tibet the foundation of the practice of Mahayana .

Geshe Mangyal Wangchen , with the usual analytical cut in the Tibetan tradition, lists the basic requirements for the practice of meditation, meditations and then spread on the different levels of development within. Closes the book on perhaps the most interesting chapter, dedicated to the six perfections or paramita : generosity, morality, patience, perseverance, focused mind, wisdom.

Louis Turinese

In photos: 'Elegance "

Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Buddhism Papers ", Year X No 38, April-June 1991


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