Tuesday, May 20, 2008

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

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THE MINISTERS OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT Foreign Ministers with portfolio: Franco Frattini, Interior Roberto Maroni, Justice: Angelino Alfano; Economy: Giulio Tremonti; Defence: Ignazio La Russian Economic development: Claudio Scajola; Education: Maria Stella Gelmini, Policies Agricultural: Luca Zaia, Environment: Stefania Prestigiacomo, Infrastructure: Matteoli; Welfare Maurizio Sacconi; Cultural Heritage: Sandro Bondi. Ministers without portafoglioRiforme: Umberto Bossi; Simplification: Roberto Calderoli; Implementation Program: Gianfranco Rotondi; EU Policies: Andrea Ronchi, Equal Opportunities: Mara Carfagna, Regional Affairs: Raffaele Lease; Youth Policies: Giorgia Meloni, Relations with Parliament: Elio Vito, Innovation Renato Brunetta.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

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thank everyone for participating so large in our blog on the topic of income online.

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income online through: "How illegal"

On completion of the investigation of the Italian Privacy on the online publication of income in 2005 of the Italians: the mode is used ileegittima.Il case arose after using the website `s Inland Revenue had been made aware of all the data on the tax returns of Italian taxpayers. According to the Guarantor, the `Inland Revenue 'then have to finally put an end to the` indiscriminate consultability through the site, data on tax returns for the year 2005'. The decision `s Agency, said the Guarantor, in contrast with the legislation. Innnanzi all because of DPR 600/1973 provides that the Director `s Inland Revenue it is only a way to fix annually the arrangements for establishing the lists of tax returns, not the manner of their publication, which remain the prerogative of legislatore.E now, remember the ruling authorities The law only provides for the distribution of lists of statements for the purposes of `income tax only Agency` s regional offices and transmitted only to the municipalities concerned, and always with reference to resident taxpayers in the individual territories. Also according to the Guarantor, in addition, the insertion of data Internet, "by itself does not appear proportionate to the aims of the knowability of this data." L `feeding in general and has protected, among other things," expand without limits the period of data that was known to the law, however, set in a year. `The Authority also found that the Guarantor was not asked prior opinion required by law." From this ruling does not hit the right and duty of the media to disclose the details of the positions of people who, for his role, are or may be very interesting result, if such data is extracted in the manner currently provided law. Must therefore, always reads the decision of the Authority, be locked spread across the Internet tax returns, which if continued could expose to civil and consequences penale.E 'illegal then also `any further spread of the data of taxpayers by anyone they have acquired, directly or indirectly, from the Agency `s website. The prosecutor's office in Rome has acquired the `investigation on the basis of the Guarantor and the document will be developed and the arguments dealt with the` investigation that could lead to inscription in the register of suspects who authorized the publication in question and is therefore likely that a process for invasion of privacy. "With today's decision, the Guarantor has fully validated our argument and the action of Codacons aimed at getting citizens to compensation for privacy violated - said the president of Codacons, Carlo Rienzi - Now people can go in the claims. " Also met the `Adoc announcing the birth of the Observatory for monitoring 'websites that despite the resolution of the Guarantor, yet allow the collection of sensitive data. Complained to the Postal Police these sites, asking the blackout `el` application of the penalties provided by law. "

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privacy issues, as stressed by Oreste Pollicino, Professor of Information Law Bocconi in the protection of personal data is one of the criticality of the network and the storm on the tax data shows the sensitivity to the issue online
Tell me who you are and tell you how much you earn. The recent decision of the Revenue to make available online the tax information of the Italians has raised a hornet's nest. And while prosecutors in Rome investigating on who started the spread and whether the apparent breach of any law, the hearts are divided between those who praise the initiative and those who fear for their privacy.
"The law, Article 69 of Presidential Decree number 600 of 1973, provides for consultation deglielenchi taxpayers, their deposit for the duration of one year at the office financial administration, both in the towns. There is an opportunity for an individual to request the municipality information about the tax situation of another person, but at the time of application the individual must be identified, "said Oreste Pollicino, professor of law at Bocconi information and communication. "This legislation does not arise specifically in contrast to the privacy policy, condensed in the code of 2003 and that concerns sensitive data."
Disclosure in accordance with the network mode in recent days, according to Tom Thumb, however, would not be in line with the norm: "In this case, the disclosure of data have been non dietro richiesta e consente a chiunque di accedere ai dati in forma anonima ed indiscriminata per un periodo di tempo illimitato. Il possibile conflitto con la normativa sulla privacy non risiede dunque nell’an della pubblicità dei dati fiscali ma nel quomodo del trattamento dei dati stessi”. Esistendo su carta ed essendo già accessibili, il problema dei dati fiscali risiede perciò nella modalità di trasmissione, motivo che ha spinto il garante della privacy a bloccarne la disponibilità online, giudicata non consona.
Affaire a parte, che l’utilizzo dei dati personali in rete sia argomento sensibile è dimostrato anche dai risultati della recente indagine fatta dall’Eurobarometro, secondo la quale il 64% dei European citizens are concerned about the issue and believe that their level of awareness and information is available, leave something to be desired. And if the vast majority of respondents agree that certain personal information may be checked for security purposes (eg those relating to passenger flights), in Italy, "Pisanu Decree of 2005 has already made a crackdown Internet data processing, freezing up to December 2008, the detention time of the data by the public security for reasons related to protection from terrorist acts. Maximum detention time, which until then had been established in a maximum of 6 months from the privacy policy of 2003. "
Ma la gestione della privacy, nel nostro come in altri paesi, è solo uno delle tanti aspetti critici quando si parla di rete globale. C’è poi la giurisdizione, particolarmente complicata in un ambiente senza confini fisici, se si escludono quelli di residenza dei server, e la differenza di legislazioni tra gli stati. Ed è qui che si gioca la partita tra Europa e Stati Uniti: “Il problema è globale e un’eventuale regolazione deve essere globale”, spiega il giurista della Bocconi. “Una legislazione a livello europeo non basta e l’Europa da sola può fare ben poco. Può solo spingere affinché le Nazioni Unite accolgano ciò che è stato proposto recentemente all’Internet global forum in Tunis, which is a sort of Bill of Rights of the network. The U.S., however, rejected the request. " Why? "Why hold most of the root master, or the lines of communication through which the name of a domain can be attributed to a website." Eternal theoretical controversy on whether or not to put stakes on the freedom of the web, add commercial reasons. It is certain, however, that the various laws are struggling to keep up to half that evolves so quickly. "The problem is the balancing of interests and the difficulty is to continue to protect old rights through the new means of expression."

Article by Andrea Celauro source http://www.viasarfatti25.unibocconi.it/notizia.php?idArt=1167

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

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Guarantor: the spread of illegal income on line

mode used by the Inland Revenue to release the data of tax returns "is unlawful." E 'assertion, the Authority Garante per la privacy che ha concluso l'istruttoria avviata sulla diffusione, tramite il sito web dell'Agenzia delle entrate, dei dati relativi alle dichiarazioni dei redditi dei contribuenti italiani.
L'Agenzia delle entrate, afferma il garante, "dovrà quindi far cessare definitivamente l'indiscriminata consultabilità, tramite il sito, dei dati relativi alle dichiarazioni dei redditi per l'anno 2005".
La decisione dell'Agenzia, spiega il Garante, "contrasta con la normativa in materia". In primo luogo, perché il Dpr n.600/1973 stabilisce che al direttore dell'Agenzia delle entrate "spetta solo il compito di fissare annualmente le modalità di formazione degli elenchi delle dichiarazioni dei redditi, non le modalità their publication, which remain the prerogative of the legislature. "Currently, the Authority continues," for purposes of income tax declarations, the law only provides for the distribution lists to only local offices of the Agency and its transmission to only common interest is always with reference to resident taxpayers in the individual territories ".
Data entry in the Internet, also according to the Guarantor," is in itself not proportionate for the purpose of the knowability of these data. "L ' Using a tool like the Internet and requires effective safeguards to protect citizens. "
The generalized grid and unprotected data to all Italian taxpayers (not covered "filters" for online consultation) by the Inland Revenue, explains the Guarantor, "included a series of consequences: the centralization of consultation at national level made it possible, in a few hours, to many people, not just in Italy but all over the world access to vast amounts of data to take copies of archive formats, edit and process the data, to create lists of data profiling and enter further into circulation, with a risk of their own accuracy. "

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Adapted from ANSA.it
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(ANSA) - BANGKOK, MAY 5 - The authorities' Burmese military gave permission for the UN to send emergency aid to Burma, devastated by Cyclone Nargis. He said a UN spokesman in Bangkok. Meanwhile, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, which has already 'unlocked more than 120 thousand euro to support the intervention of the Red Cross on the spot, the priorities' immediate humanitarian action in Burma have clean water and emergency shelters for the displaced.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

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online income, the tax authorities to guarantee "a matter of transparency"

IlROMA -''for the decision on the enforcement provision and publishing lists of taxpayers and that of the Digital Administration Code. A set of provisions that create a framework of fiscal transparency to which the Agency has sought to follow.'' So, in summary, the Revenue Agency has responded to the request for clarification of the authority on privacy on the Internet about the publication of rediti of Italian taxpayers. The paper''- the statement continues Agency - traces the evolution of the rules that have governed the disclosure of lists. And the rule in the current state of financial administration, gives the Director of the fixing of terms and conditions' for the formation and publication of the lists. It is, therefore, an administrative assessment taken by the Inland Revenue as part of its autonomy.'' ''The form of disclosure of earnings provided by the legislature - explains the statement - is the Consultation of the data by anyone. The purpose of the provision is to promote a widespread form of control by citizens over the fulfillment of tax obligations. The choice of the Internet as a means of communication has been made to adapt the behavior of the Agency as determined by the Digital Administration Code, launched in 2005, which requires the PA to use as the ordinary means of usability of the information digitally.
"The Code - continued Agency - among other things, requires the PA to use new technologies to promote greater citizen participation in the democratic process and to facilitate the exercise of political rights and civil rights, both individual and collective, of which you can frame the right to inspect the lists of taxpayers. It was felt that the rules on the processing of personal data do not eliminate the income data dissemination via the Internet, since the freedom to obtain knowledge of them by any person is entirely peaceful, as repeatedly stated by the same Supervisor.'' The change from the past''- and then highlights the Inland Revenue - is represented by medium: Internet. But it is a relative novelty in what must be considered as articles from newspapers routinely published data show that income taxpayers have long been freely available on the network. Ultimately, the dissemination of earnings data by Information Technology by the public is an element of guarantee, transparency and reliability 'of information.'' Finally, the Agency expressed''full confidence in the assessments of the Privacy and the judiciary in relation to the actions undertaken following the publication of lists of taxpayers online. And full cooperation 'was secured to the police post which has acquired the documentation for the Agency's decision to make consultabili gli elenchi tramite Internet''. (5 maggio 2008)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

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income online, Codacons calls for maxi-

ROMA - Il Codacons ha presentato una richiesta di risarcimento di 20 miliardi di euro al Pubblico Ministero di Roma che indaga sulla pubblicazione delle dichiarazioni dei redditi da parte dell'Agenzia delle Entrate. (4 maggio 2008)

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compensation income online, the irony of foreign newspapers

Il New York Times parte dalla vicenda per raccontare di un Paese dove l'evasione fiscale regna sovrana
MILANO - La notizia della pubblicazione on line da parte dell'Agenzia delle entrate delle dichiarazioni dei redditi dei contribuenti italiani ha avuto una vasta eco nei giornali e nei siti web stranieri.
USA - «I ricchi pagano le tasse? L'Italia lo dice at all. " This is the title chosen by the leading American newspaper, the The New York Times to tell the story of a country where 'tax evasion is so widespread that a landlord often agrees with the tenant to rent the two-digit , the real one and one for reporting location. "It is surprising that both contracts are approved by lawyers," explains Ian Fisher of the American newspaper correspondent. In the article, the New York Times cites, inter alia, the fashion designer Giorgio Armani and comedian Beppe Grillo, who called it "fools" the promoters of the initiative, which was an outstanding success, given the contacts on the web.
France - The French Le Monde considers that, to Fiorentina fans will probably be gone through the € 22.4 million of revenue reported by Christian Vieri, at the top of the highest paid players after Thursday Fiorentina is out of the Uefa Cup a penalty for failure "by dear Bobo." As for the outgoing Prime Minister Romano Prodi, says the newspaper, is said to be infuriated by the initiative. Together with those of other VIPs, his tax return had been in fact peek 128 times by officials in 2006. The investigation ended with the acquittal of public servants by establishing that browsing is not a crime.
GREAT BRITAIN - The dream of the Italians to know what earns a neighbor, the player of the heart or its head became a reality on Wednesday in essence is what he wrote instead the British Guardian telling the scandal.