Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Do Swedish Women Have Large Breasts

Issues others

privacy issues, as stressed by Oreste Pollicino, Professor of Information Law Bocconi in the protection of personal data is one of the criticality of the network and the storm on the tax data shows the sensitivity to the issue online
Tell me who you are and tell you how much you earn. The recent decision of the Revenue to make available online the tax information of the Italians has raised a hornet's nest. And while prosecutors in Rome investigating on who started the spread and whether the apparent breach of any law, the hearts are divided between those who praise the initiative and those who fear for their privacy.
"The law, Article 69 of Presidential Decree number 600 of 1973, provides for consultation deglielenchi taxpayers, their deposit for the duration of one year at the office financial administration, both in the towns. There is an opportunity for an individual to request the municipality information about the tax situation of another person, but at the time of application the individual must be identified, "said Oreste Pollicino, professor of law at Bocconi information and communication. "This legislation does not arise specifically in contrast to the privacy policy, condensed in the code of 2003 and that concerns sensitive data."
Disclosure in accordance with the network mode in recent days, according to Tom Thumb, however, would not be in line with the norm: "In this case, the disclosure of data have been non dietro richiesta e consente a chiunque di accedere ai dati in forma anonima ed indiscriminata per un periodo di tempo illimitato. Il possibile conflitto con la normativa sulla privacy non risiede dunque nell’an della pubblicità dei dati fiscali ma nel quomodo del trattamento dei dati stessi”. Esistendo su carta ed essendo già accessibili, il problema dei dati fiscali risiede perciò nella modalità di trasmissione, motivo che ha spinto il garante della privacy a bloccarne la disponibilità online, giudicata non consona.
Affaire a parte, che l’utilizzo dei dati personali in rete sia argomento sensibile è dimostrato anche dai risultati della recente indagine fatta dall’Eurobarometro, secondo la quale il 64% dei European citizens are concerned about the issue and believe that their level of awareness and information is available, leave something to be desired. And if the vast majority of respondents agree that certain personal information may be checked for security purposes (eg those relating to passenger flights), in Italy, "Pisanu Decree of 2005 has already made a crackdown Internet data processing, freezing up to December 2008, the detention time of the data by the public security for reasons related to protection from terrorist acts. Maximum detention time, which until then had been established in a maximum of 6 months from the privacy policy of 2003. "
Ma la gestione della privacy, nel nostro come in altri paesi, è solo uno delle tanti aspetti critici quando si parla di rete globale. C’è poi la giurisdizione, particolarmente complicata in un ambiente senza confini fisici, se si escludono quelli di residenza dei server, e la differenza di legislazioni tra gli stati. Ed è qui che si gioca la partita tra Europa e Stati Uniti: “Il problema è globale e un’eventuale regolazione deve essere globale”, spiega il giurista della Bocconi. “Una legislazione a livello europeo non basta e l’Europa da sola può fare ben poco. Può solo spingere affinché le Nazioni Unite accolgano ciò che è stato proposto recentemente all’Internet global forum in Tunis, which is a sort of Bill of Rights of the network. The U.S., however, rejected the request. " Why? "Why hold most of the root master, or the lines of communication through which the name of a domain can be attributed to a website." Eternal theoretical controversy on whether or not to put stakes on the freedom of the web, add commercial reasons. It is certain, however, that the various laws are struggling to keep up to half that evolves so quickly. "The problem is the balancing of interests and the difficulty is to continue to protect old rights through the new means of expression."

Article by Andrea Celauro source


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