online income, the tax authorities to guarantee "a matter of transparency"
IlROMA -''for the decision on the enforcement provision and publishing lists of taxpayers and that of the Digital Administration Code. A set of provisions that create a framework of fiscal transparency to which the Agency has sought to follow.'' So, in summary, the Revenue Agency has responded to the request for clarification of the authority on privacy on the Internet about the publication of rediti of Italian taxpayers. The paper''- the statement continues Agency - traces the evolution of the rules that have governed the disclosure of lists. And the rule in the current state of financial administration, gives the Director of the fixing of terms and conditions' for the formation and publication of the lists. It is, therefore, an administrative assessment taken by the Inland Revenue as part of its autonomy.'' ''The form of disclosure of earnings provided by the legislature - explains the statement - is the Consultation of the data by anyone. The purpose of the provision is to promote a widespread form of control by citizens over the fulfillment of tax obligations. The choice of the Internet as a means of communication has been made to adapt the behavior of the Agency as determined by the Digital Administration Code, launched in 2005, which requires the PA to use as the ordinary means of usability of the information digitally.
"The Code - continued Agency - among other things, requires the PA to use new technologies to promote greater citizen participation in the democratic process and to facilitate the exercise of political rights and civil rights, both individual and collective, of which you can frame the right to inspect the lists of taxpayers. It was felt that the rules on the processing of personal data do not eliminate the income data dissemination via the Internet, since the freedom to obtain knowledge of them by any person is entirely peaceful, as repeatedly stated by the same Supervisor.'' The change from the past''- and then highlights the Inland Revenue - is represented by medium: Internet. But it is a relative novelty in what must be considered as articles from newspapers routinely published data show that income taxpayers have long been freely available on the network. Ultimately, the dissemination of earnings data by Information Technology by the public is an element of guarantee, transparency and reliability 'of information.'' Finally, the Agency expressed''full confidence in the assessments of the Privacy and the judiciary in relation to the actions undertaken following the publication of lists of taxpayers online. And full cooperation 'was secured to the police post which has acquired the documentation for the Agency's decision to make consultabili gli elenchi tramite Internet''. (5 maggio 2008)
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