income online through: "How illegal"
On completion of the investigation of the Italian Privacy on the online publication of income in 2005 of the Italians: the mode is used ileegittima.Il case arose after using the website `s Inland Revenue had been made aware of all the data on the tax returns of Italian taxpayers. According to the Guarantor, the `Inland Revenue 'then have to finally put an end to the` indiscriminate consultability through the site, data on tax returns for the year 2005'. The decision `s Agency, said the Guarantor, in contrast with the legislation. Innnanzi all because of DPR 600/1973 provides that the Director `s Inland Revenue it is only a way to fix annually the arrangements for establishing the lists of tax returns, not the manner of their publication, which remain the prerogative of legislatore.E now, remember the ruling authorities The law only provides for the distribution of lists of statements for the purposes of `income tax only Agency` s regional offices and transmitted only to the municipalities concerned, and always with reference to resident taxpayers in the individual territories. Also according to the Guarantor, in addition, the insertion of data Internet, "by itself does not appear proportionate to the aims of the knowability of this data." L `feeding in general and has protected, among other things," expand without limits the period of data that was known to the law, however, set in a year. `The Authority also found that the Guarantor was not asked prior opinion required by law." From this ruling does not hit the right and duty of the media to disclose the details of the positions of people who, for his role, are or may be very interesting result, if such data is extracted in the manner currently provided law. Must therefore, always reads the decision of the Authority, be locked spread across the Internet tax returns, which if continued could expose to civil and consequences penale.E 'illegal then also `any further spread of the data of taxpayers by anyone they have acquired, directly or indirectly, from the Agency `s website. The prosecutor's office in Rome has acquired the `investigation on the basis of the Guarantor and the document will be developed and the arguments dealt with the` investigation that could lead to inscription in the register of suspects who authorized the publication in question and is therefore likely that a process for invasion of privacy. "With today's decision, the Guarantor has fully validated our argument and the action of Codacons aimed at getting citizens to compensation for privacy violated - said the president of Codacons, Carlo Rienzi - Now people can go in the claims. " Also met the `Adoc announcing the birth of the Observatory for monitoring 'websites that despite the resolution of the Guarantor, yet allow the collection of sensitive data. Complained to the Postal Police these sites, asking the blackout `el` application of the penalties provided by law. "
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