Sunday, May 4, 2008

Como Quitar Um Tech Deck

compensation income online, the irony of foreign newspapers

Il New York Times parte dalla vicenda per raccontare di un Paese dove l'evasione fiscale regna sovrana
MILANO - La notizia della pubblicazione on line da parte dell'Agenzia delle entrate delle dichiarazioni dei redditi dei contribuenti italiani ha avuto una vasta eco nei giornali e nei siti web stranieri.
USA - «I ricchi pagano le tasse? L'Italia lo dice at all. " This is the title chosen by the leading American newspaper, the The New York Times to tell the story of a country where 'tax evasion is so widespread that a landlord often agrees with the tenant to rent the two-digit , the real one and one for reporting location. "It is surprising that both contracts are approved by lawyers," explains Ian Fisher of the American newspaper correspondent. In the article, the New York Times cites, inter alia, the fashion designer Giorgio Armani and comedian Beppe Grillo, who called it "fools" the promoters of the initiative, which was an outstanding success, given the contacts on the web.
France - The French Le Monde considers that, to Fiorentina fans will probably be gone through the € 22.4 million of revenue reported by Christian Vieri, at the top of the highest paid players after Thursday Fiorentina is out of the Uefa Cup a penalty for failure "by dear Bobo." As for the outgoing Prime Minister Romano Prodi, says the newspaper, is said to be infuriated by the initiative. Together with those of other VIPs, his tax return had been in fact peek 128 times by officials in 2006. The investigation ended with the acquittal of public servants by establishing that browsing is not a crime.
GREAT BRITAIN - The dream of the Italians to know what earns a neighbor, the player of the heart or its head became a reality on Wednesday in essence is what he wrote instead the British Guardian telling the scandal.


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