Thursday, March 3, 2011

Can Dogs Feet Get Frostbite

The LT's reviews - "The Power of Yoga", by J. Evola

Julius Evola, "The Yoga of Power ", Edizioni Mediterranee, Rome 1994

Tantrism, nell'accezione Vajrayana Buddhist and even more as life-giving connection to the trunk of Hinduism, is configured at the beginning of the Christian era, as a spiritual path pursued through the body. As such, it is totally modern and in a sense the way of achieving more consistent era in which we live, a Kaly Yuga .
Turning poison into medicine, this is the main precept of tantric achieved riding passions apparently more "amoral" ripped the sign of attachment to see the inherent spirituality.
placing the focus of research, the dialectic between masculine principle (Shiva ) and the feminine (Shakti ) Tantrism is a figure of sexual polarity between the union and Shiva Shakti , shaded so what in Jungian psychology is called " coniunctio oppositorum . According

Evola, the main features of Tantrism are three: the metaphysics of shakti, the enhancement of sadhana (the practice, making use of hatha yoga , especially the pranayama, and in some schools, ritual sexual union), the doctrine of the mantra which is dedicated to the entire eighth chapter of the book. This is seen by Shaktism Evola as the expression of a common residue from ancient civilizations, identifiable in the cult of Magna Mater .
Also interesting is the tenth chapter, devoted to chakras, energy centers of occult physiology.
in the early stages of this work Evola avowedly want to keep an equal distance from both the two-dimensional displays pale specialist university and academic Orientalism, and the vagaries of the "occult" and so-called "spiritualists" of our times " (p. 27).
Intent commendable and respected in many ways, in a book well written and in which less than usual avvvertono evoliane the unpleasantness, or those that seem to us that: some opinionated nietzschianesimo, ostentatious aristocracy of the spirit as opposed to "democracy" of the modern world, the signs of racism that are used to deny evoliani with captious arguments, but that emerges as soon as the author of "distracted." Like when we read that the yogi pursues "the absence of any sign of the face revealing a thought or feeling, obtained with a complete control of the facial muscles to a typically impassive Aryan ( sic!) statue from " (p. 113).
no coincidence that the title of the first draft of the work, then largely rebuilt, should be "The Man as Power."
is therefore very timely to read the review that Marguerite Yourcenar wrote in 1972 for "Le Monde " and is shown in the bottom of the volume. Review all things positive, but which raises a sharp distinction between the mystic and magician, Evola recognizing the propensity towards the second reality, rather than to the first.

Louis Turinese

In pictures: "donkey ears"

Review appeared in the "Books" to " PARAM, notebooks and the practice of Buddhism for dialogue ", Year XIV, No 55, July-September 1995


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