The LT's reviews - "The Legend of Buddha", by E. Schure
Edouard Schure, " The Legend of Buddha", Ades Edizioni, Milan 1994
The Alsatian Schure ( 1841-1929) made history as the author of The Great Initiates ( 1887), published in Italian for the first time since the publishing house Laterza 1920 and republished by the same publishing house in recent years. The publishing house also published Bari inspirer Women (published in the original 1908) and for the first time in Italian in 1922 ; Evolution divine, a text of 1912 republished by Tilopa in 1983.
Thought Schure of is framed in the context of theosophy, which broke away in the last year of life for the 'affaire " Krishnamurti. His vision of Buddhism is inevitably dated, avowedly inspired to "Light of Asia " by Edwin Arnold .
introduction, Om Oskraham and Halladhah Hanahit moved on the same anachronistic land, stressing that the engine of the various historical religions would be the core of their esoteric Buddhism that is the Lamaism. "... We believe that only the Tibetan Lamaism, the caretaker who was the Way of Knowledge Buddha as the Great Initiates who preceded him and followed him "(p. 17 of the introduction)." Prince Siddhartha ... was part of a very old congregation ... (the) Holy and Revered Hierarchy of Masters " (page 4 of the introduction).
Despite these reservations, however, the story is the adventure of Schure Buddha is tender and poetic, although incomplete (the famous four meetings that will push Siddhartha on the path of spiritual quest are, for example, reduced to two, the sick and the funeral).
Louis Turinese
In photos: 'Wisdom "
Review appeared in the" Books "to" PARAM, Notebooks for the practice of Buddhism and dialogue ", Year XV, No. 58, April-June 1996
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