Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Glory Hole Orlando , Fl

The LT's reviews - "The great figures of Buddhism," in M. Fuss, J. Lopez-Gay, GS Fazion

Michael Fuss, Jesus Lopez-Gay, Gianpietro are factions, "The great figures of Buddhism , Cittadella Editrice, Assisi 1995

You can reconstruct the history of Buddhism aligning the events that followed the death of Sublime , with particular attention to the formation of the different schools, or, and is the volume we present, outlining the biography of some of the characters particularly representative.

Through the biography, literary genre undoubtedly the most attractive of the test, we get also in contact with human beings who, having achieved the "Buddha nature", are an example but also the hope that "there it can do."
The fifteen teachers of the book deals are presented in chronological order, the sequence can be traced five subgroups. In the first place we
the direct disciples: Ananda , Sariputta , Maggallana and Pajapati , Siddhartha's aunt , considered by some the first woman to join the movement, however, specified as the model of Buddhist nuns.
follows a chapter on King Ashoka , lived in the third century BC C. , as a politician, then as a layman, whose actions in the world are illuminated by the light of Dharma .
The third group consists of school, and Na garjuna Buddhaghosa.
followed by representatives of schools Huineng sixth patriarch of Zen, Milarepa, the greatest exponent of the Vajrayana school Kagyupa ; Homen and Shinran, who linked their names to the Japanese school of Pure Land ; Dogen, founder of Soto Zen ; Nichiren, whose thought, centered on the Lotus Sutra and the return to orthodoxy, they rely on two very active in seven contemporary Japan: the religious movement Rissho Koseikai and political movement of the Soka Gakkai .

The excellent Fazion , of \u200b\u200bwhich we reaffirm the remarkable arrangement to writing, as well as profiles of Huineng of Milarepoa and Dogen, by his contemporaries: the Chinese Xuyun , whose diary autobiographical, " Empty Cloud" (Rome 1990) è stato recensito su Paramita n.38
e il giapponese Kodo Sawaki , maestro di Deshimru e di Kosho Uchiyama .
Fazion ha compilato anche il glossario che chiude il volume. Molto utile, e segno di una cura che vorremmo riscontrare più spesso nelle pubblicazioni sul buddhismo, è la biografia posta al termine di ogni capitolo.

Luigi Turinese

In foto: " Incantesimo "

Recensione apparsa nella rubrica "Libri" di " PARAM, Notebooks for the practice of Buddhism and dialogue ", Year XV, No. 58, April-June 1996


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