The LT's reviews -" on the direction of thought "of Grace Marchianò
Grace Mark, " guidelines of thought," Rubbettino Publisher, Soveria Mannelli (CZ) 1994
On PARAM n.50 had reviewed the first two volumes of the series "Essays short comparative aesthetics" that the publisher Rubbettino inaugurated under the direction of Professor Marchianò . He added that wait with curiosity announced "guidelines of thought, work the same Marchianò .
The wait has now been repaid to expectations. The double volume is devoted to what, with Jungian language, might be called the archetype of the vacuum, which is closely connected to the monistic idea of \u200b\u200bnature. The late Romanian thinker
Culianu , who tragically died a few years ago, was highlighted as one of the most persistent "mental programs" include both the dualism, especially strong in the history of Western thought.
Its results are the most recognizable pairs of concepts in which the second term is always written down: good / evil, anima/corpo, realtà ultraterrena/mondo...
L'apparire del nichilismo sulla scena filosofica, negli ultimi due secoli, ha cominciato a sgretolare l'unilateralità del dualismo.
Ma prima, pensatori come Eraclito ed Empedocle , e per certi versi Platone, sottolineando il divenire e l'interdipendenza di ogni cosa, costituiscono un filone minoritario ma pur sempre presente di ciò che qui viene efficacemente definito " oriente del pensiero" , e che come è ovvio non si riferisce a coordinate geografiche, sebbene nel pensiero orientale abbia ricevuto più cospicue conferme.
"Il buddhismo mahayana, in particolare la scuola che si ispira a Nagarjuna says that the empirical reality is meaningless, impermanent and jointly caused (pag.72).
The core of the second volume, not surprisingly, revolves around the "Lotus Sutra " composed at the beginning of the Christian era in India , here translated into Far East, and constitutes an important contribution to "orient of thought."
Anthropologists and scientists as a contemporary Western Bateson and Prigogine witness a turning point toward a systematic thinking that is itself an "East of thought." Space-time of contemporary physics is made a move to a blissful time.
The book is an analysis-philosophical language of Eastern thought, particularly Japanese comparatively to Western thought. Within the latter, knowledge is possible distance the object, in Eastern thought, knowledge is always an act of identification. " When we look at a flower, the flower becomes a living part of ourselves " (p. 38, quoted by Nishida ). In the triple
appendix to the book, a section is devoted to the aesthetics of 'iki , a sort of phenomenon of consciousness in which there is precisely the interface between inside and outside, between observer and object observation (the subject, the publishing house Adelphi recently dedicated a translation of a seminal text of Kuki Shuzo : The book IRI).
" Taoist and Buddhist Meditation has given unparalleled contributions to the guidelines of aesthetic thought. All the traditional arts in China , Korea, Japan dell'insostanzialità have followed the principle of existence, in transfusing a system of perception and cognition that run through the subtle forms and processes of nature, making a glimpse of the face and the sounds originating "(p. 92).
interest is the annotated bibliography, which winds around six themes running through the work: Buddhism, comparative literature, aesthetics of East and West, Japan, Lotus, Nature.
Louis Turinese
In pictures: "Japan is far away"
Review appeared in the "Books" to " PARAM, notebooks and the practice of Buddhism for dialogue ", Year XIV, No 55, July-September 1995
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