The LT's reviews - "Do not create more suffering," by A. Thanavaro
Achaan Thanavaro, "Do not create more suffering " Ubaldini Editore, Rome 1995
Abbot of the first Theravada monastery Italian, Vihara Santacittarama of Sezze ( LT ) Achaan Thanavaro an original expression of tradition mts of the forest, whose most well-known in the West, Achaan Sumedho , was indeed a master of Thanavaro .
The forty-year history of this Italian is simple and extraordinary at the same time. Driven, as often happens when you are searching for a way to obscure spiritual quest, the impact of anxiety on a young introverted temperament, he makes early meetings that you would be tempted to define signs of positive karma, one with critical Achaan Sumedho , who becomes his mentor, who in 1979 , along with other monks, including Saddhatissa Mahathera is a witness of his ordination in Monaco in London.
When, after various experiences in different parts of the world, Thanavaro part Italy, is to deal with the vihara of Sezze , founded in 1990 Fondaziuone with the support of Maitreya, and where tradition of the masters of the forest is an adaptation in the Italian reality.
The present book is structured in three parts. The first is a short interview by Gian Paolo Fiorentini , which we know as an employee of our magazine and excellent translator, the second part, about sixty pages, gives speeches on various topics of Buddhist practice, in the third part Finally, we review the ten paramita , the virtues of the bodhisattva : generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, energy, application, patience, honesty, determination, universal love, equanimity, balance.
Louis Turinese
In pictures: "Pipinara"
Review appeared in the "Books" to " PARAM, Notebooks for the practice of Buddhism and dialogue ", Year XIII, No 50, April-June 1994
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