Thursday, March 3, 2011

Drinking In A Row Boat Ny

The LT's reviews - "Mahatma Gandhi: ideals and practice of an educator, D. A. Dolcini et The

D. Dolcini, E. Fasana, C. Coinage, " Mahatma Gandhi: ideals and practice of an educator " Propaganda Institution Libraries, Milan 1994

the late eighties , some Italian universities conducted a research on Mahatma Gandhi , figure highly relevant even wanting to look only in terms of pedagogy. The result is a conference which we present acts.
The editors are also authors of important interventions. A Donatella Dolcini, Hindi language teacher , we "Gandhi in the feminine: process of education"; Fasana Henry, Professor of History and institutions of Asia, has been produced on "Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi educator of national unity"; Catherine Issuance , finally, from his responsibilities as professor of Indian religions and philosophy, developed the theme "Continuity of teaching Gandhi: The Mahatma and Vinoba Bhave .

Wherever you want to watch, the Mahatma (epithet due to the poet Tagore ) remains above all a great figure of karma yogi, that is dedicated to the yoga of action. For this reason it seems central in the twenty responses that make up the volume, the intervention of Donald Zazzi , "Values \u200b\u200beducation in reading the Bhagavad Gita Gandhi" (p. . 117-126). In Gita, who stayed with the Gospels a consistent readings in the life of Gandhi , this is indeed the theme of the just released action by expectations about the results.

In a sense, this line is the valuable assistance of Catherine Issuance , mentioned above: Vinayak Bhave ( 1895-1953), renamed from Gandhi Vinoba , one of its most valuable employees and then successors, did a terrific karma yoga instrument of social action. "Karma is concrete action, carried out as swadharma (duty). Vikarma indicates he has done with purity of mind and heart. The union of inner and outer become one thing ( Vinoba , quoted by C. Issuance page. 247).

Louis Turinese

In pictures: "Fresh Dew"

Review appeared in the "Books" to " PARAM, Notebooks for the practice of Buddhism and for dialogue ", Year XIV, No 55, July-September 1995


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